السبت، 1 أغسطس 2020

Academics Against Uyghur Genocide: Zvi Ben-Dor Benite

Given the current state of affairs, I have decided to create this initiative to connect academics who are against the current genocide against Uyghur culture. As the Dalai Lama has said in the context of Sino-Tibetan relations, studying history together, alongside non-Asian historians, is a possible route for addressing the present. 
 I hope to garner more support in the future. There is currently a twitter account for posting happenings related to such efforts within academia. 

Here is a book review I read yesterday. I am sharing it here with some of my Mandarin annotations for those people interested in peace, Uyghur history, and preserving Uyghur culture.


Book review: Holy war in China

Benite, Zvi Ben-dor
The Journal of Asian Studies, 2005, Vol.64(1), pp.170-172